Pyramid Lake Piute Tribe

Pyramid Lake Fisheries
603 Sutcliffe Dr.; Sutcliffe, NV 89510
Phone: (775) 476-0500
Fax: (775) 476-0558

Contact: Dan Mosley, Executive Director

The Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation is located approximately 35 miles (mi) northeast of Reno, Nevada. The Reservation covers 476,728 acres. It contains Pyramid Lake and over 31 miles of the lower Truckee River. Pyramid Lake is 350 feet deep, 27 miles long, 7 to 12 miles wide and approximately 115,000 surface acres. Pyramid Lake and the Truckee River are habitat for Lahontan cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii henshawi) and Cui-ui (Chasmistes cujus), federally listed as Threatened & Endangered respectfully. These fish are of primary important to the culture of the Pyramid Lake Paiute People. Fishing and other recreational (day use, boating, camping) activities by the public at Pyramid Lake contribute significantly to the Tribe’s economy.


The mission of the Tribe’s Pyramid Lake Fisheries (PLF) is to operate and maintain four fishery facilities at Pyramid Lake and the lower Truckee River for the purpose of restoring and enhancing Cui-ui and LCT populations, while creating a balance within natural resources management actions, which reflects the social, cultural, economic, and natural resource values of the Pyramid Lake Paiute People. Another goal of PLF is to maintain both a recreational and trophy fishery for LCT, while working collaboratively with partners to protect, conserve, and restore the fish, aquatic resources, fish habitats, and water quality within the Pyramid Lake-Truckee River watersh